Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Living for Jesus

Living For Jesus

Living each day in the fear of the Lord,
Walking alway in the light of His Word.
Living for Jesus, who died in my stead,
Facing all testing without fear or dread;
Leaning on Him, who supplieth all grace,
Rejoicing e'er in the light of His face.

Yielded, that Christ may live ever in me,
Seeking at all times His dear child to be.
Abiding in Him through love and through prayer,
Knowing that always I'm kept in His care.
Hiding His Word and His will in my heart
That I to others His truth may impart.

Sending the light of His love and His grace
To ev'ry creature in earth's darkest place;
That many may know, and crown Him as Lord,
And live and rejoice through Christ's cleansing blood;
Redeem'd and ready for heaven above
To sing with the ransom'd the song of love.

Thursday, November 17, 2005



Upon their hearts in days of yore,
God's own high priests, forever bore
The names of those whom God placed there-
The tribes of God, to Him so dear.

My Great High Priest in heav'n appears
Pleading with agonizing tears;
His nail-pierc'd hands and wounded side
Avail for me, whate'er betide.

Inscribe upon my heart, each day,
The names of some for whom to pray;
It may be but a guileless child,
Or, for some wayward one and wild,
That Thou shalt lead my heart to pray-
But keep me faithful, Lord alway.

A Rainy Day

A Rainy Day

How soft the clouds of gray, and neutral is the day;
How rhythmical the rain, against the window-pane.
How newly wash'd and clean the foliage of green;
How good the smell of rain upon the dusty plain.

How sweet and fresh the air, so free from dust and glare.
What rest for eyes that ache, and nerves so tensely wake.
Just like a bath, is air so cool and damp and rare!
Let all our senses wake, and gratefully partake.

Raindrops in puddles glow, and wid'ning circles grow.
Streams run like little rills, in furrows down the hills.
The trees bend to and fro, to bow their thanks, I know,
And streams that once were rills, now turn the watermills.

Curl'd blades of corn uncurl, and show within a pearl.
Cattle in deep morass bit luscious rain-wet grass.
All nature is refresh'd, and by God's care is blest.
His favors far surpass all we can think or ask.

O life, with sorrow fill'd, O heart, that ne'er is stilled,
The rain comes thee to bless; after the storm comes rest!
Let not thy faith in God grow faint beneath the rod.
Just pillow on His breast, He knoweth what is best.

A Thank-You Song

A Thank-You Song

We thank Thee, God, for sunshine,
We thank Thee for the rain,
We thank Thee for the harvest
Of fruit and golden grain.

We thank Thee for Thy blessings-
The things of ev'ry day,
For home, and love, and watchcare,
And guidance on our way.

We thank Thee for the beauties
Thou hast around us spread;
For trees and grass and song birds,
And sunsets, crimson red.

We thank Thee for our country,
For freedom, strength and might;
A land of "peace and plenty,"
Upholding truth and right.

Thank Thee for our country's God,
In Him we put our trust;
A bulwark, strong and mighty,
As merciful as just.

Cross Bearing

Cross Bearing

O Jesus I have taken
My cross to follow Thee.
Help me to bravely bear it
And bring no shame on Thee.
Though steep the way and rugged,
And hard the cross I bear,
The load will be adjusted
And Thou the weight wilt share.

What is my cross compared with Thine,
The bitter cup that Thou did'st drain,
The baptism with which Thou wast baptized,
The awful cross Thy blood did'st stain?

Oh in Thy cross I glory,
For there my debt was paid,
My soul was fully cleansed,
My peace with God was made.
And in my cross I glory,
That I may share with Thee
Thy suff'ring and Thy glory,
And reign also with Thee.

I Shall Be Satisfied

I Shall Be Satisfied

Some day I'll awake in glory,
Some day I His face shall see,
Some day I will tell the story
Of the love that rescued me.


Satisfied, satisfied
When I, His face, shall see,
Satisfied, satisfied
When I, like Him, shall be.

Some day, oh how sweet the waking.
When before His throne I stand;
Some day, all my trophies taking
To place in His wounded hand.

Some day in His likeness waking,
O my soul, how satisfied
When my earthly exit making,
With Christ I'll be glorified.

At Close of Day

At Close Of Day

The day is done. The ev'ning star is in the sky.
The birds have tuck'd their heads and croon'd a lullaby.
Sunset's faint afterglow is fading in the west
And stillness of the twilight calls the earth to rest.

A calm is over all, the midday cannot know;
A gentle breeze, as from the sea, begins to blow.
A vesper service grows and swells from tree to tree
As birds, arous'd, pour forth their praise in ecstacy.

The twilight fades and slowly deepens into night;
The silver moon arises with her wondrous light;
Shadows of trees, like phantoms, play upon the lawn-
Dear Lord, watch o'er and keep us till the morning dawn.

I Wonder

I Wonder

I wonder why God made me-
Has He a purpose for my life,
A plan I must fulfill,
And will He guide me day by day
Into His blessed will?

Is there some height that I must climb,
Some dream I must bring true?
Has He a work just plann'd for me,
No other one can do?

It may be just an humble task-
That Thou dost give to me-
Some darken'd soul to show the light-
My servant it may be.

Or make my home a place so sweet,
So like to heav'n above,
The children like to all be there
And joy in parent's love.

Then teach me Lord, to do Thy will,
Guide me from day to day;
Help me my mission to fulfull,
Thy leading to obey.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Morning Prayer

A Morning Prayer


I thank Thee for Thy watchcare through the night,
For rest and for the pleasant morning light;
I pray Thee go with me through all the day
And keep me in Thy love and will alway.

Grant that I bring upon Thy name no shame;
but ever praise and glorify Thy name;
Make me like Jesus a burden bearer,
And with ev'ry needy one a sharer.

Bless those I love and keep them in Thy care;
Bless those Thou lovest, here and ev'rywhere;
Bless those who've gone to take the gospel light,
And give each one Thy presence, love and might.

God, bless the sick, the suff'ring and the sad,
And by Thy Spirit's comfort make them glad;
May pain but be a blessing in disguise,
A stepping stone on which their souls shall rise.

I pray Thee, Master, hasten Thy return
And bless all those who for Thy coming yearn.
If Thou should'st come at midday or at night
Oh fill our hearts with passionate delight.

A Song of Praise

A Song of Praise

I thank Thee, dear Lord, I thank Thee,
For all Thou hasst given to me;
For love and home and tender care
And all that makes each day so fair.

I thank Thee for Thy beauties rare
Spread round about me ev'rywhere;
For singing birds and grass and trees,
For sky and clouds and gentle breeze.

I thank Thee more, for children's love;
for pow'r to turn their thoughts above.
For gift of love to teach and train;
May Thy Word taught, not be in vain.

I thank Thee for the Bible dear,
So full of comfort, love and cheer;
By night and day it is my stay,
It guides me o'er life's changing way.

I thank Thee for Thy patience sweet;
For bringing back my wayward feet,
For courage and for counsel giv'n,
To guide me on the road to heav'n.

I praise Thee for affliction's rod
That drew my soul so close to God;
For comfort and communion sweet
That's found alone, at Jesus' feet.